Source mapping with Starlight

  1. Open your browser's console window and go to the Debugger/Sources tab.
  2. Select the script/app.lua file from the list and you should see the Lua source code of the page.
  3. Add a breakpoint.
  4. Refresh.
  5. Try blackboxing the Starlight runtime code, so that you only see Lua.

This is the first iteration and it's far from perfect. Each browser has its own odd behaviours that I'll document soon. Any help on on ironing out these quirks would be much appreciated.

Unfortunately, due to the way that scoping is represented, it hasn't been possible to display variables in the debugger, which is sad. However, you can step through Lua source across files and see Lua in error stack traces. Woop.

This is an example of using Starlight Lua to ES6 compiler. View page source. @lua_starlight on Twitter.